Thursday, February 28, 2013

Transfer of Large City

The idea to move Indonesia's capital of Jakarta to other areas, could be carried out and reasonable. But it can not guarantee the problem of flooding and traffic congestion in Jakarta will be resolved. Better to move the business and entertainment district to another city, so the dreamers come to move to another city.
The idea of ​​the transfer of the capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to other areas, surfaced again after severe floods hit Jakarta peaked at January 17, 2013 last. Called surfaced again as much earlier, Soekarno told displacement state capital to Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Bung Karno'd imagine, someday Jakarta will be jammed packed when united with the city trade. But the idea of ​​Bung Karno was never a great discourse, and forgotten with busy people. 

Until finally, a flash flood hit Jakarta in 1997, 2002 and 2007. The idea to move the capital of Indonesia re-surfaced due to flooding. Just as the flood in early 2013 to address the past, removal of the state capital discourse resurfaced, even now supported by political parties kinds Gerindra. But once the floods recede again, the discourse had come drifting. What is the idea of ​​the transfer of the state capital was only momentary euphoria to entertain residents were flooded? 
Not to scare, one day it will flood again come up with a greater escalation. In fact, Jakarta is the ramps, where water flow is always looking for the most sloping areas, the lowest. No less than 13 rivers flowing and empties the final in Jakarta, a gig that Jakarta is lower than other areas such as Tangerang or Bekasi. Rain of Sukabumi, Bogor, Cianjur, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Banten region and, scrambling down the ramps that Jakarta. Meanwhile, rivers in Jakarta are very rarely cleaned and dredged, while garbage piling up. Efforts to clean up the rivers in Jakarta, losing the aggressive step of the fouled river. The threat of flash floods more days, more and more real. 
Another fact, vacant land or farmland and plantations can be watersheds in Puncak, Bogor, Depok, every moment of land converted to residential, industrial, or a business centers. Rainfall volume grew, and often, no longer absorbed by the soil, so the rain was down to Jakarta no longer through the river that could not accommodate the volume of water, but through a variety of avenues that allow the water down from higher ground mancam Bogor and Jakarta, Depok to the ramps. 
At other times, when the tides, sea levels appear higher than in the plains of North Jakarta. Without the rain, when the sea water was high tide, North Jakarta area is often hit by floods from the sea. Well, from the plains of Jakarta sent rain spill, sent a tidal wave of the sea, Jakarta alone was heavy rain, then there is no God, it would be the inevitable flooding. Clearly, no human being could handle it. Governor-General of the Dutch long ago have given up with the flood of Jakarta. Jakarta Governor Jokowi seems constrict his forehead, and he said he was not Superman or God. The President and the officers were not able to do much. In fact, the State Palace for the first time I have heard and seen on TV, participated soaked flood.
Surface Land Down 

Flooding will continue to hit, because Jakarta's land surface decreased over time, while the sea level has been rising as a consequence of natural change. When Jakarta increasingly sloping terrain, it is not impossible that one day the whole Jakata will sink. 
According to the research team members Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy (JCDS) reported by various media, presumably land in Jakarta has decreased from 1974 to 2010 mecapai 4 meters. Predicted, in 2030 the capital will decrease soil up to 6.6 meters. If the predictions are not missed, then sinking Jakarta forecasts will no longer be the case. 
JCDS records, land subsidence occurred in the West Cengkareng, West Jakarta over 2.5 meters; Daan Mogot, West Jakarta 1.97 meters; Cempaka Mas, Central Jakarta 1.5 meters; Cikini, Central Jakarta 0.80 meters, and Cibubur, East Jakarta 0.25 meters. 
Decrease in land surface in Jakarta that continues to occur because groundwater is taken by residents to make ends meet. While recharging groundwater naturally no longer running because water catchment areas, many are turning to the function of a building. 
"By reducing groundwater, land subsidence remains down 10 to 15 years. If the replenishment of ground water, in five years time will still be a decline in the ground, "said Heri Andreas of JCDS, as quoted by the mass media. 
Research JCDS mention, decrease soil surface most severe in Muara Baru, Cilincing, Ancol, North Jakarta and other areas, which reaches 4.1 meters. The decrease in the area of ​​North Jakarta, in addition triggered by groundwater abstraction, is also compounded by the erosion in the coastal ocean continue to undermine the mainland. 
Sea-Level Rise 
Ground surface down while sea level rise, a "deadly duo" could menenggalamkan any area, including Jakarta. Undoubtedly, that sea levels around the world has increased due to the addition of the volume of sea water. There are two factors that trigger the addition of the volume of sea water, which makes global warming permafrost regions such as in the Antarctic, South Pole, melting slowly. Second, groundwater continues to suck for human needs, and the exhaust flow to the sea. 
The researchers acknowledge JCDS elevation of sea level is influenced by global warming, and to anticipate, it will be very difficult. It takes big money to solve Jakarta inundation caused by a lethal combination of elevated and reduced sea surface. 
Government administration is already partially address this by building dikes in Kamal Muara and other areas. But it clearly has not been a significant effort in overcoming capital flooding. 
It should be made very long dam in the north coast of Jakarta, which stretches from the border adjacent to the Tangerang Bekasi. Then the river ends vacuum fitted with water each time throwing water into the sea. Dam stem the sea with a model like it was done by the Netherlands and New Orleans in the U.S.. But many who doubted the government of Indonesia and the Jakarta Provincial Government was able to make a successful DAM. It costs too expensive. Dream of building a dam for now better buried. 
Displacement Business Center 
Jakarta flooding is a risk that must be accepted by a sloping area. After all, not only the flood-hit area of ​​Jakarta. Various regions in Indonesia are often in flood stricken, even modern cities in the world began to overrun as well. 
Become a big problem for Indonesia as the country's capital was in Jakarta. In order to move the capital to float the idea that while the central government was almost paralyzed after flooding struck without mercy.In recorded history, was commonplace moved the capital of a country. Malaysia city state administration transfer from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya, in 1995. India move ibukkota center of Delhi to New Delhi in 1911. Brazil moved the capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia in the 1960s. In 1927, Australia state capital moved from Melbourne to Canberra. 
Pakistan has also apparently moved the capital from Karachi to Islamabad. The move was preplanned. They built the first city of Islamabad before the seat of government moved legally in 1960. While the English city of Winchester moved to London in 1066. 
Indonesia's capital could be transferred from Jakarta to other areas. Of course, the risk is very great. Costs and social impacts that occurred would have been great and incalculable. Moving the capital not only to move the building, but also move people and infrastructure. It would take a long time to adapt to the personnel who moved to a new area, and obviously this will interfere with the performance of pemerintahkan Indonesia. 
Need to contemplate and discourse actually moving business centers and settlements from Jakarta to other areas. It would make more sense and can be implemented in stages, and it certainly will not be too intrusive government performance. 
Transfer of business centers can be started eg from displacement bonded in Jakarta. According to the PP. 22 in 1986, described the bonded (bonded zone) is an area with specific boundaries within the customs territory of Indonesia, in which special provisions apply in the field of customs, which is the goods entered the customs area from outside or from within other Indonesian customs areas without first being subject to customs duties or levies other countries, until the goods are issued for the purpose of import, export, or re-export (re-export).
In Jakarta, it is well known that Nusantara Bonded Zone is managed by state-owned company with corporate status. PT KBN established government of Indonesia to manage the Integrated Industrial Estate which serves as a status Bonded Export Process Zone (Export Processing Zone - EPZ) and other general industries without export.
PT KBN provide three (3) location of the industry's most strategic areas in Jakarta, Indonesia heart, for investment, manufacturing and logistics businesses are very close to the outer ring expressway access (JOR) to get to the sea port and air port. The three strategic locations are: Regions Cakung covering 176.7 hectares, an area of ​​413.8 ha Marunda Region and Region-Tanjung Priok area of ​​8 hectares. 

PT KBN this region can be moved from Jakarta, such as the peacock or the Cirebon area which has sea ports. From there, the goods are exported without having first taken to Jakarta. The former PT KBN, can be used to relocate perrumahan of slums and riverbanks, while the former kawaasan riverbank slums and can be converted into landscaping and other green areas. 
Business centers slowly shifted, for example wholesale buyers Tanah Abang who apparently came from various cities around Jakarta and even from outside the island of Java. The transfer of these business centers would be followed by the distribution of traffic. Congestion Jakarta will automatically come reduced.Relocation of National TV Studio 
TV became the greatest entertainment devices for the world community, including the people of Indonesia. Being the largest, because it is free and easily accessible, even illusory. The law distinguishes our country TV broadcasting national and local TV. The whole TV that got permission to be on national TV, and has a studio based in Jakata. By corollary, the parties related to the TV as the entertainer (entertainer) of the singer, pesinetron, comedians, etc., must be crammed jejal to Jakarta if you want more of his career skyrocketed.If national TV may be in the city of Surabaya for example, certainly one musician who wants to make it big nationally, does not have to move to Jakarta. The entertainers were roaming in cyberspace, pesinetron sorts, not all cramped in Jakarta. This will reduce congestion and kemacegtan Jakarta. 
Reducing traffic congestion in Jakarta can be done with reckless, ie moving the entire studio TV entertainment from Jakarta to Bogor or Sukabumi example. Thus, the concentration of the city of dreams is no longer centralized in Jakarta. 
The transfer of business and entertainment center of Jakarta to other cities, it will certainly have an impact on reducing the population. At least, no more crowding Jakarta for continuing arrival of new dreamers. Reducing the population will have an impact on the land and its functions. Some land previously depleted by building the legal and illegal, can be returned to the uptake of water and greenery. The rivers can be expanded and exploited, waste can be reduced, because the population in Jakarta can be significantly reduced. ***

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